MELISA is currently working together with scientist to advance research in the following fields of medicine:
1. The role of heavy and transition metals in cancer with Dr. E.Blaurock-Busch, PhD at Micro Trace Minerals
2. Metal-induced inflammation as a possible risk in scoliosis in cooperation with Mrs Rebecca Dutton
3. Identification of metal sensitization in sarcoid like metal exposed patients by MELISA testing with Prof Lizi Fireman, Head Laboratory Pulmonary and Allergic Diseases, Head National Laboratory Service for Interstitial Lung Diseases, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Israel
4. Metal-induced hypersensitivity is a risk factor for CCSVI with Dr Nikolaos Tsamopoulos, Mediterraneo Hospital, Greece
5. Using MELISA testing to optimize reconstitution of the oral cavity with stem cell therapy together with Dr Jose Mendonca-Caridad, MD, DDS, Polusa hospital, Spain